All items, unless indicated, are available from a number of uniform retailers whose details are at the bottom of the page.
Uniform Allowance – The States of Guernsey operates a means-tested grant scheme to help parents with the cost of buying school uniforms. Grants are awarded on a sliding scale dependent on the parents’ residual income once certain allowances have been made. For further information visit:
All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the student’s name.
Students must have a note of explanation from parents/carers if for any reason they are not wearing the required uniform and it must be agreed with the relevant Head of House when this will be resolved.
Motorcyclists and pedal cyclists should wear suitable protective clothing.
Books and equipment should be carried in a substantial bag, which should fit inside the locker.
If students or parents/carers are in any doubt as to what is acceptable within this policy please contact the Head of House who will be able to provide guidance.